AmxModx Plugin's Compilation

In order to modify a plugin (for example the maxping of the highpingkicker) you will have to edit the modification in the .sma file and then compile the sma. So, if you want to change the value of highpingkicker maxping , go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting ( HLDS is the main directory of your server) and open the hpk.sma (or whatever the name it is) and edit maxping 150 or 200 or whatever , then save and close . Now you`ll have to compile it . How you do that… Drag and drop the sma file over the compile.exe icon ( the blue one - attention ! there are two blue icons, you will chose the one called “compile”) into the scripting folder . A black window will appear showing the derulation of the compiling process. When it`s done it will display “Compilation Done”. Now you will have to look into the “scripting” folder for a subfolder called “compiled”. Open it , and there you`ll find the compiled “.amxx” file of your plugin ( in our case the hpk.amxx) . This file you`ll have to copy into HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins folder . If your server was running while you compiled and installed the plugin restart it or change the map and the plugin will work on the new value.


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