Download sXe Injected 12.0

 sXe Injected v12.0 Released!

Add: Anti-Soundhack Beta 1
Add: New cheats detections
Fix: Unblocked commands
Fix: Lost focus on screenshots
Fix: Upload screenhots lag
Fix: Deformed ATI screenshots
Fix: CS1.5 duplicated folders
Fix: CS Windows name
Fix: Internationalization fixed
Fix: Anti-Wallhack visualization errors

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AmxModx Plugin's Compilation

In order to modify a plugin (for example the maxping of the highpingkicker) you will have to edit the modification in the .sma file and then compile the sma. So, if you want to change the value of highpingkicker maxping , go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\scripting ( HLDS is the main directory of your server) and open the hpk.sma (or whatever the name it is) and edit maxping 150 or 200 or whatever , then save and close . Now you`ll have to compile it . How you do that… Drag and drop the sma file over the compile.exe icon ( the blue one - attention ! there are two blue icons, you will chose the one called “compile”) into the scripting folder . A black window will appear showing the derulation of the compiling process. When it`s done it will display “Compilation Done”. Now you will have to look into the “scripting” folder for a subfolder called “compiled”. Open it , and there you`ll find the compiled “.amxx” file of your plugin ( in our case the hpk.amxx) . This file you`ll have to copy into HLDS\cstrike\addons\amxmodx\plugins folder . If your server was running while you compiled and installed the plugin restart it or change the map and the plugin will work on the new value.

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Amx Super 4.2 Plugin For AmxModx

This is the main plugin, the only with all those crazy and usefull commands with many server side resources. Check the readme file for commands and installation tutorial.

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Chat Logger For Counter-Strike 1.6 | Chat Logger AmxModx Plugin

it log chat messages of:
say, say_team, amx_say, amx_chat, amx_psay, amx_csay, amx_tsay
say @(@@|@@@)
say_team @
to the amxxdir\logs\filename.html

cl_logmode 0 | 1 default is 1
0 : filename is ChatLog, means log all messages to a single htm file.
1 : filename is XXXX.XX.XX, Xs stand for the date, means everyday it creates a new htm file.

Put this plugin above the adminchat.amxx or it will not log adminchat stuff.

; Chat / Messages
chat_logger.amxx ; log chat messages by jim
adminchat.amxx ; console chat commands
antiflood.amxx ; prevent clients from chat-flooding the server
;scrollmsg.amxx ; displays a scrolling message
;imessage.amxx ; displays information messages
adminvote.amxx ; vote commands

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Invisible Spectator Plugin For AmxModx

This plugin let admins with ADMIN_RCON access be spectators but still appears in a team.

It can be usefull to spectate potential cheaters.
Cheaters pay attention to spectators, so keep in mind that the more players will be on your server, the more difficult it will be to see you are not really alive.
Also note that too many 'invisible spectators' at the same time will easily be detected, and that 'invisible spectators' are counted as dead players (cvar amx_inv_dead_percent).

Type this command once you are dead or specator, you won't appear in spectators list.
Type the same command or join a team to disable your "invisibility"

amx_inv_dead_percent < value >
When value% of total players are dead, "invisible spectators" appear to be dead.


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HL Guard Tutorial on Counter Strike 1.6 server

HL Guard is an anti-cheat system for Half-Life, with the following components:
a. detects aimbot
b. blocs the wallhack
c. detects the alias
d. makes the cvar's more powerfull
e. bans on name (nick)
f. incorporated Steamban system - for those with steam
g. guard system against Skywalk

1. The installation is made in metamod plugins.ini, so download HL Guard rar here , unzipp it, copy it in HLDS\cstrike\addons and then edit it in metamod plugins.ini :
win32 addons/hlguard/dlls/hlguard_mm.dll. You can also use hlguard_mm_optimized.dll, but this is used for the newer systems and the server might stop working.
2. Now you have to choose between the repeated stopping scanning message and the unique one, that is, if you want the message, that the scan has been compleated, to appear after every scan, or only after the first scan. To do so, you have to acces HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config where you open using the WordPad hlguard.cfg. Here you look for the line " Alias scanning completed mesage" where you have two options: "One Time mesages" and "Repeating mesages". To activate one of them you have to erase "//" in front of them.
3. Now you have to activate the hlguard menu
To do so, first enter HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config, then open hlg_menu.cfg using the WordPad. Look for the hlg_menupassword "" line, an enter a password between the "" (ex : hlg_menupassword"meseriasu" ). Save and close. If the server was started, restart or change th map. Now enter the game in the console hlg_menu meseriasu (without "", and meseriasu is the password from hlg_menu.cfg ). The menu will be shown on the screen.

4. Setting the agreeing declaration. First go to HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config\hlguard.cfg and erase the "//" in front of this line :

// hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_agreement.cfg

Then enter HLDS\cstrike\addons\hlguard\config, and open hlg_agreement using WordPad. There you will find some lines that you can change. The first is "By playing on this server , you" and so on.You do not have to translate word by word, but you have to keep the lines. The last line is the most important. There you write "1. Accept 4.Refuse ". The player who will press the 4 key, refusing the scan, will be automatically kicked out. You will see what you can do with HL Guard entering in the on screen menu using the “hlg_menu password” command in the console.
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Counter Strike 1.6 Auto Team Balance Plugin

This plugin balances teams as soon as autoteambalance is triggered.

iatb_active < 0|1 >
0 : plugin disabled - 1 : plugin enabled if mp_autoteambalance is 1

iatb_admins_immunity < 1|0 >
Enable / Disable admins immunity
Note: admins will still be balanced by standart autoteambalance

iatb_message < "text here" >
Displayed text when teams are balanced

Cstrike module
mp_autoteambalance 1

Download  Plugin

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Team Flash Punish | Counter Strike 1.6 Team Flash Punish

This plugin punishes players who flash their teamates.

- Restrict a player from throwing flash nades
- Punish a player who flashes his teamates


tfp_count < Flags >
Count Type: Flags are additive (default : 3)
0: Don't count
1: Count semi flash
2: Count full flash
4: Also count when flasher is dead

tfp_max_count < X >
Restrict a player from throwing flash nades after X counted teamflash (see previous cvar) (def:10)

tfp_punish < Flags >

Punish Type: Flags are additive (default : 2)
0: Don't punish
1: Health reduction
2: Money reduction

tfp_health_amount < amount >
HPs reduction (def:5)

tfp_money_amount < amount >
Dollars taken (def:200)



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AMX CVAR GUARD | AmxModx Cvar Lock


Executes commands listed in an ini file on every incoming client upon
their connection to the server, and optionally can prevent the client
from changing the command to anything else.

If the "lock" option is enabled, so that clients cannot set the commands
to anything else, the client will have to exit their game before they 
can set it to anything else. No permanent effects, but sometimes people
get confused.

Blocking commands only works for client CVARs, which are "settings".
See cvarguard.ini for examples of these cvars.

Place cvarguard.ini in amxmodx/configs directory.
Follow instructions in that file for adding commands.
Use the below CVARs to enable this plugin in your server.

amx_cvarguard <1/0>
Enables or Disables the plugin

amx_cvarguard_lock <1/0>
Enables or Disables the "lock" feature, preventing clients from
changing commands to anything else

Download Plugin  Configs
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Team Voice Control | CS 1.6 Voice Control

This plugin allows admins to mute one or both teams whenever they want.
Commands & Cvars

/vcontrol - Opens the voice control menu
Requires admin flag "d"
tvc_save - Whether or not the plugin saves settings
 "1" - Saves settings (default)
"0" - Settings reset every time the map changes

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Download sXe Injected 11.6 Fix 1

(+) Add: dproto stuff
(+) Add: Validations
(+) Add: AntiWallHack tweaks
(+) Add: Steam compatible (03/03/2011)


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Teleport Smoke Grenade

Plugin changes the smoke grenade to teleport grenade with a bit of smoke.
Usage: drop the grenade, you will be teleported to the spot of explosion.
Try to crouch if the height of the spot are small for uncrouched player.

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VIP Announcer | AmxModx Plugin

- Inspired from AdminMod
- Some information at vip events such as:

  • spawned as vip
  • killed as vip
  • kill the vip
  • escaped as vip
- these are saved or not using nvault
- $ bonus at events
- the vip can have a tag in the name


Cstrike & nVault
Cvars:vipannouncer 1/0 -- enable/disable plugin (default 1)
vipannouncer_escapebonus -- money gived to player who escaped as vip (default 800)
vipannouncer_killbonus -- money gived to player who killed the vip (default 300)
vipannouncer_spawnbonus -- money gived to player who spawned as vip (default 600)

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Chat Logger SQL | Amxmodx Plugin

This plugin save chat message to MySQL Database

installing the plugin:
1. Copy chat_logger_sql.amxx file to plugins folder
2. Add line chat_logger_sql.amxx to plugins.ini file
3 Copy ChatLoggerSQL_NoSaveWords.ini file to your config folder.

Plugins upgrade 14-04-2008:
Added to plugin:
1. Plugin has been chanced so it will automaticaly create database if it doesn't excist yet.
2. Added feature that will not save any selected messages to database. This funciont will search unwanted words from ChatLoggerSQL_NoSaveWords.ini file. If any words writen in file will match to chat messages, the message will not be saved into database.

Download :
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Counter Strike 1.6 Sprays | CS 1.6 Spray Logos

 In Counter strike 1.6 you can have spray decal of your own, if you dont know how to make your own custom spray then here's a simple guide for you.
How to make a Custom Spray
How to make Spray in Counter strike 1.6

Here are some of the cool Spray..

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Reduce Chokes, Loss and Get Maximum FPS ON CS 1.6

Type these in console:

fps_max 101
net_graph 3

cl_updaterate 101 
101 is the max you should set it and if you have choke you always lower it untill you get choke. So if you were getting like 20 choke lower the updatrate by typeing cl_updaterate 70. See if you still have choke after about 20 seconds. If you do lower it some more.

cl_cmdrate 50
This setting is supposed to be around your average fps. So if you average around 40-50 put it at 50. If your getting a consant 100 in the server your in put it 101.
FPS Note: If you have your fps set to fps_max 101 and your fps goes down to like 40-50 and keeps moving around drastically set it to fps_max 75. Keep lowing the setting bit by bit untill it reamians pretty constant.

rate 20000
the rate setting is debated alot but if you want max preformance use 20000. many people say 25000 but they do not realize that is a lan setting. Use rate 20000.

Use OpenGl Mode
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Light SmokeGrenade | Zombie Plague Light SmokeGrenade

*The smoke grenade will made a cool light. Usefull on dark sides.

*Smoke puff removed.
*Light style is like in Zombie Plague.
*This plugin works on CS 1.6 & CZ.

*lightsmoke_enabled - 1 - plugin enabled / 0 - plugin disabled
*lightsmoke_light_duration - 20.0 ( set here the light duration )
*lightsmoke_deploytime - 3.0 ( set here the seconds until smoke deploy )
*lightsmoke_trail - 1 - enable / 0 - disable the smoke trail
*lightsmoke_cylinder - 1 - enable / 0 - disable the cylinder when light start's
*lightsmoke_smoke - 1 - enable / 0 - disable the smoke effect when light is turned off
*lightsmoke_glow_color - "255 255 255" - set the smoke glow color. RGB Format(use spaces)
*lightsmoke_bonus - 1 - give a free smokegrenade on player spawn / 0 - disable free smokegrenade on spawn

Modules Required*fakemeta

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Counter Strike 1.6 Servers In Pakistan | Dedicated Non Steam Servers

Servers playing Counter Strike 1.6 in Pakistan

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Razer Gaming Guide | Guide For Gamers. By Gamers

This book is specially lab-formulated for n00bs.

Our intention is to impart some of the basic gaming knowledge gathered over the years from our friends, teams and fellow hardcore gamers to our friends who are new to the gaming scene.
If you’re currently playing in a team or playing professionally, this guide may not be for you as you’ve probably already acquired these basics.
However, don’t let this deter you from reading our beginners’ guide. It could potentially be a good refresher course and who knows; maybe you’ll pick up something along the way.
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How to Bunnyhop in Counter Strike 1.6 | Bhop Guide


  Before you start i would suggest you bind the jump control to the mouse wheel up of your mouse, in the   options -> Settings. Make mouse wheel up as your alternative jump, the default being SPACE BAR.

  • Push the 'W' key to get an initial run up.
  • RELEASING the 'w' key press the strafe key (D or A) and move your mouse in the direction of the strafe(ie: if 'A' move mouse left in a little arc or if 'D' move mouse right by say 30 degrees) + JUMP
  • You will now initiate a forward curved jump , in the left or right direction(Please note never to use the 'w' key for acceleration here after).
  • When your about to land after the first jump, hit the opposite strafe key and curve your mouse in the same direction of your strafe and hit jump EXACTLY when you land after the first jump. Doing this a little too early or little too late will cut the bunny hop.
  • If You got the timing and mouse movement right you will quickly move forward faster, and you will need to repeat Steps 2 to 4 repeatedly.


  • The trick is to get the rhythm and keep going left n right n left n right with both your strafe and mouse movement, hitting jump at the right time of landing.
  • You can also Reverse Bhop by replacing the forward key with back key, and following the same steps mentioned in the article. Reverse bhop makes you bhop backwards, and can be used to make quick escape jumps when being shot at.
  • NEVER HIT THE FORWARD KEY ONCE you start B hopping. Acceleration is obtained by using strafe and proper mouse movement. Forward key is only used for initial acceleration.

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Bunny Hop Script CS 1.6 | Bhop Script

Make a .cfg named bunnyhop and save it to your cstrike folder
and in bunnyhop you type: bind "SPACE" "+bhop"
bhop "alias _special" alias @bhop "speci
alias +bhop "alias _special @bhop;@bhop" alias -al;wait;+jump;wait;-jump"
Then you open your userconfig or config and type:
exec bunnyhop.cfg
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How To Solve "Steam Connection Lost" Error

How to Solve Steam connection lost Error

Everyone have problems with this message after entering and play a game
especially after steam Counter-Strike. I encountered this problem myself recently, I tried to look for its solution at the support and assistance of the Steam Powered of the Counter-Strike but in vain, finally I understood that an update is made to block the valve always setmaster and certain `s ip.

Please follow the steps carefully.
1) Turn off the steam application.
2) Enter in "Control Panel" and select "Security Center" so you get the "Windows Security Center.
3) Enter the "Automatic Updates" and select "Turn off Automatic Updates" then click "Apply" then "OK".
4) Enter the "Windows Firewall" where the check box "On (recommended) 'and then' make sure that box is unchecked and" Do not Allow Exceptions "then click" Apply "then "OK".
5) Download "MasterServers.vdf" and copy it in the folder "config" in "C:\Program Files\Steam\config" and replace it.
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